Bahar Karimi was born and grow up in Tehran/Iran. She immigrated to Canada in 2002 and has been living in Vancouver ever since.
She also spends a couple of months a year in San Diego , USA , as a green card holder and actively follows Canada and USA Real Estate Market alongside.
Bahar has an excellent 20 years sales experience in different types of trades like in a well-known retail store in Canada, in one of biggest health supplement companies in Vancouver and in Vancouver Real Estate Market.
She has obtained two licences for real estate trading service and specialty certified dental assisting from University of British Columbia UBC.
Bahar has developed incredible customer care skills for the last twenty years, and focusing on her client’s best interest based on their needs is the main core of her achievements.

After she got her Real Estate licence from UBC Sauder School of Business, she started her activities in real estate and helped many families to find their dream homes -“she is confident she can help you find yours too.”
Bahar believes that with her expertise she can play a meaningful role in her clients’ lives by advising them right for their real estate inquiries and assisting them to achieve a desired outcome.
Clients’ satisfaction and their amazing experience having business with Bahar are the most rewarding parts of this career for her. Client’s smile and trust are the keys in her business.
Bahar Karimi enjoys attending community events and meeting new people ,so she has built a great network of contacts and a broad audience to benefit her consumers’ options in real estate moves.
At last, Bahar loves her career and reading philosophy books, listening to music, driving, swimming, spending time in nature and with family are what interest Bahar the most besides business.

A quote from Bahar:
“My business is built on trust, communication, dedication, and transparency, and I pride myself in providing the highest level of service possible. I would love the opportunity to sit down with you and navigate   your investment options including to discuss how much your home is worth,and how I can achieve the highest price possible, with the least amount of stress to you!”